The quest to increase battery performance relies on perfecting the components of the batteries as well as improving the battery management system (BMS). As the BMS is responsible for ensuring the safety of the battery, it also governs the optimization of the energy the battery delivers. To improve predictions, classic equivalent circuit models are replaced with physics-based electrochemical models, requiring a deep understanding of the fundamental properties of the battery components. Advanced models not only track the state of charge (SOC) of the cell in the bulk of the materials, but also on the surface. One key parameter for the SOC estimation is the Open Circuit Potential (OCP) of the electrodes as a function of the lithium content, or OCP curve.[1] To provide a highly accurate SOC estimation, the OCP curves need to cover the potential range of the full cell, as well as the potential reached at the surface of the electrodes.This work focuses on characterizing one overlooked aspect of the characterization of the OCP curve of cathode materials: the low potential region.[2-3] We propose a novel method for characterization of the OCP curve of commonly used active materials, striving to provide a standardized mapping from the gravimetric capacity to the lithium concentration, hence increasing the accuracy of the OCP curve. This method allows to characterize the OCP curve up to the lithium content of 1. This newly set scale is then used to align and compare the extensive characterization work already published on various cathode materials.[4] Chaturvedi, N. A., Klein, R., Christensen, J., Ahmed, J. & Kojic, A. Algorithms for Advanced battery-Management Systems. IEEE Control Syst. Mag.49–68 (2010).A. Barai, K. Uddin, M. Dubarry, L. Somerville, A. McGordon, P. Jennings and I. Bloom, Prog. Energy Combust. Sci., 2019, 72, 1–31.C.-H. Chen, F. Brosa Planella, K. O’Regan, D. Gastol, W. D. Widanage and E. Kendrick, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2020, 167, 080534.K. Märker, P. J. Reeves, C. Xu, K. J. Griffith and C. P. Grey, Chem. Mater., 2019, 31, 2545–2554.
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