Sirs,Changes of the color of urine frequently occur. Mostcommon is the white purulent appearance in urinary tractinfections but also a red color due to hematuria or—mainlyin infants—uric acid. Mere orange discoloration is, how-ever, very rare.An 11-month-old male infant presented with orange-stained diapers. He was otherwise in good health, and theparents reported no additional complaints. History revealedthat the symptoms started several months before presenta-tion. At first onset of complaints, the staining occurred onceor twice a week. During the 3 weeks prior to presentation atour clinic, the frequency increased to a daily basis;generally occurring in the morning. Physical examinationwas unremarkable. Urine showed no erythrocytes, leuko-cytes, or protein in the routine examination. Uric acid was1.2 mmol/l and therefore within the normal range for thepatient’s age. Urine culture revealed a significant amount[>10
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