The all-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren is diff erent from all the intellectual contests in a multistage (from the school until the fi nal stages), in the inclusiveness of pupils with 5 to 11 grades, and for mathematics and the Russian language, grade 4, in duration in time throughout the academic year (from September till May) and in the continuity of the results of each stage of the “Olympic lift”. Each stage of the Olympiad plays an important role in the fate of the participants, has its own characteristics and requires all organizers of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren to increase the responsibility and utmost clarity, legitimacy and coherence in all actions and decisions. Each stage is considered from the following positions: The specifi c organization. Regulations. Methodological support (development tasks, criteria and methodology of evaluation of contest works). Check the contest works, analyze their implementation, the display of works of appeal. The organization of each competition is based on the Procedure of holding the all-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren [1].