In this study, we aimed to determine the nematode diversity in soils from olive orchards in İzmir, Manisa, Çanakkale, and Balıkesir provinces. For this purpose, a survey was carried out in 2021-2022; in each orchard, soil samples were collected from 0-60 cm depth, and nematodes were extracted from collected soils by the modified Baermann Funnel method. Thirty-seven genera of nematodes (Achromodora, Acrobeles, Acrobeloides, Alaimus, Aphelenchus, Aphelenchoides, Boleodorus, Cephalobus, Clarkus, Coslenchus, Ditylenchus, Dorylaimus, Eucephalobus, Filenchus, Geocenamus, Hemicriconemoides, Helicotylenchus, Labronema, Lelenchus, Longidorus, Mesocriconema, Mesodorylaimus, Mesorhabditis, Monhystera, Panagrolaimus, Paratylenchus, Pratylenchus, Pratylenchoides, Psilenchus, Rhabditis, Rotylenchulus, Rotylenchus, Saurtylenchus, Tripyla, Tylenchorhynchus, Tylenchus, Xiphinema) from 21 families were identified in olive-growing areas. According to feeding habitats, nematodes were classified as plant parasitic (19 genera and one plant-parasitic species from fungivore Ditylenchus genera), bacterivores (11 genera), fungivores (3 genera), omnivores (2 genera), and predators (2 genera). Plant-parasitic 27 nematode species (İzmir: 19; Manisa: 16; Balıkesir 15; Çanakkale: 11) were found in soils. The virus vector Longidorus elongatus was among the identified important species. The prevalent plant-parasitic species were Geocenamus brevidens (32%), Filenchus thornei (23%), Helicotylenchus digonicus (29%), while the free-living nematodes were Acrobeloides spp. (100%), Aphelenchus sp. (95.3 %), Cephalobus spp. (97%), and Mesodorylaimus (91.2%). Within bacterivore nematodes, at least one species from the Cephalobidae family was determined in all soil samples.
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