The influence of Huntington's disease (HD) on the olfactory event-related potential (OERP), an electrophysiological measure of olfactory information processing, has not been reported to date. In the present study, olfactory and auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded monopolarly from Fz, Cz, and Pz electrode sites in 8 patients with HD and 8 age- and gender-matched control participants. Results demonstrated that individuals with HD were delayed compared with controls on the P3 component of the OERP (p<.001), with a trend toward a significant delay on the auditory ERP P3 (p<.06). The effect size for OERP P3 latency (pi(2)=.72) was larger than that for the auditory P3 (pi(2)=.24), which has previously been shown to be delayed in HD. Patients performed significantly worse than controls did on all neuropsychological measures. These measures significantly correlated with several components of the OERP. These findings extend the understanding of olfactory deficits in HD.