This article presents the results of a review of literature on abuse of older women. A systematic search was conducted in five electronic databases for empirical articles published from 2017 through 2019. Of the 727 articles initially captured, 20 articles met the inclusion criteria for review. Across the 20 articles, four primary focal areas emerged: prevalence and incidence of abuse, type of abuse, at-risk populations, and health outcomes. Most of the studies addressed issues identified in prior publications as the study authors attempted to untangle previous findings, expand study samples, and employ novel approaches to data collection. Only 5 articles focused specifically on abuse experienced by older women; older women comprised at least 50% of the sample in each of the other articles. In the latter studies, when gender was included as a study variable, the study authors reported few differences between older women and men with respect to risk factor for and outcomes of abuse. More gender-specific research is needed to better understand the circumstances and outcomes of older women's lived experiences and to inform the development of preventive strategies and gender-sensitive interventions for mitigating elder abuse. • Research reviewed focused on prevalence of abuse, abuse types, populations at risk, and health outcomes of elder abuse. • Few study samples include only older women; older women predominated samples that included both older women and men. • Study authors attempted to untangle previous findings by expanding their study samples and enhancing their study designs. • Across studies of elder abuse there was great heterogeneity in focus, study samples, and methodological approaches.
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