It was shown in previous experiments1, 2 that wheat middlings and wheat bran supplements had the property of creating in the rat host a condition more favorable for the development of the coccidium Eimeria nieschulzi than the control ration, or even the control ration supplemented with white wheat flour. In a thorough recheck of the effects of wheat middlings (gray shorts), the following test ration (parts by weight) was used: beet sugar, 71; soy bean oil meal, expeller process, 10; casein, commercial, medium fineness, 10; normal salt mixture (Harris), 4; lard, 3; cod liver oil, 2. When 30 parts of wheat middlings were substituted for some of the sugar, casein, and soy bean oil meal, increased coccidium development, as indicated by counts of oocysts passed by rats on the 2 rations, continued to be evident. Since, as was previously concluded, it seemed that amount of fiber could be ruled out as the causative factor, an investigation of the effects of extracts of wheat middlings was indicated.Weighed amount...