Quantum-mechanical calculations allow resolving and quantifying in detail important aspects of reaction mechanisms such as spin transitions and oxygen dissociation that can be the major rate-limiting steps in redox processes on sulfide and oxide surfaces. In addition, this knowledge can help experimentalists in setting up the framework of rate equations that can be used to describe the kinetics of, e.g., oxidation processes. The unique molecular crystal structure of realgar, As 4S 4 clusters held together by van der Waals bonds, allows for a convenient quantum-mechanical (q.m.) cluster approach to investigate the thermodynamics and kinetic pathways of oxidation. The interaction of As 4S 4 clusters with oxygen and co-adsorbed ions provides a model system for understanding the molecular-scale processes that underpin empirically-derived rate expressions, and provides clues to the oxidation mechanisms of other sulfides and oxides. Two activated processes are shown to dominate the kinetics of oxidation by molecular oxygen: (i) a paramagnetic 3 O 2 to diamagnetic 1 O 2 spin transition and (ii) oxygen dissociation on the surface, in that order. The activation energies for the spin transition and O 2 dissociation step were determined to be 1.1 eV (106 kJ/mol) and 0.9 eV (87 kJ/mol), respectively, if molecular oxygen is the only reactant on the surface. In the case of As 4S 4, q.m. calculations reveal that 3 O 2 transfers its spin to the cluster and forms a low-spin, peroxo intermediate on the surface before dissociating. The adsorption of a hydroxide ion on the surface proximate to the 3 O 2 adsorption site changes the adsorption mechanism by lowering the activation energy barriers for both the spin transition (0.30 eV/29 kJ/mol) and the O 2 dissociation step (0.72 eV/69 kJ/mol). Thus, while spin transition is rate limiting for oxidation with O 2 alone, dissociation becomes the rate-limiting step for oxidation with co-adsorption of OH −. First-principles, periodic calculations of the realgar ( 1 ¯ 20 ) surface show that the energetics and structural changes that accompany oxidation of As 4S 4 clusters on the surface are similar to those involving individual As 4S 4 clusters. Thus, assuming that an As 4S 4 cluster with an adsorbed hydroxyl group is a reasonable approximation of the surface of As 4S 4 at high pH, the theoretically calculated oxidation rate (∼1 × 10 −10 mol m −2 s −1) is of the same order as empirically-derived rates from experiments at T = 298 K, pH = 8, and similar dissolved oxygen concentrations. In addition, the co-adsorption of other anions found in alkaline waters (i.e. carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate, and sulfite) were shown to energetically promote the oxidation of As 4S 4 (on the order of 5–40 kJ/mol depending on the co-adsorbed anion, OH −, CO 3 2 - , HCO 3 - , SO 4 2 - , or SO 3 2 - , and accounting for changes in the hydration of products and reactants). The effect of the co-adsorbate on the kinetics and thermodynamics of oxidation is due to each adsorbate modifying the electronic and structural environment of the other adsorption site. Activation-energy barriers due to spin transitions are rarely discussed in the literature as key factors for controlling oxidation rates of mineral surfaces, even though the magnitude of these barriers is enough to alter the kinetics significantly. The attenuation of the activation energy by co-adsorbed anions suggests the possibility of pH− or p(co-adsorbate)-dependent activation energies that can be used to refine oxidation rate laws for sulfide minerals and other, especially semiconducting minerals, such as oxides.