We report a new classical spin liquid in which the collective flux degrees of freedom break the translation symmetry of the honeycomb lattice. This exotic phase exists in the frustrated spin-orbit magnets where a dominant off-diagonal exchange, the so-called Γ term, results in a macroscopic ground-state degeneracy at the classical level. We demonstrate that the system undergoes a phase transition driven by thermal order by disorder at a critical temperature T_{c}≈0.04|Γ|. This transition reduces the emergent spherical spin symmetry to a cubic one: spins point predominantly toward the cubic axes, yet seem to remain disordered at T<T_{c}. Importantly, we show that the phase transition corresponds to a hidden plaquette ordering of hexagonal fluxes, which explicitly breaks the cubic symmetry, a scenario that is confirmed by our extensive MonteCarlo simulations. We further compute the dynamical structure factors of the spin-liquid phase and reveal unusual dynamical properties of the hexagonal flux parameters.
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