The structure of the $\Delta J = 1$ doublet bands in $^{128}Cs$ is investigated within the framework of the Interacting Vector Boson Fermion Model (IVBFM). A new, purely collective interpretation of these bands is given on the basis of the used boson-fermion dynamical symmetry of the model. The energy levels of the doublet bands as well as the absolute $B(E2)$ and $B(M1)$ transition probabilities between the states of both yrast and yrare bands are described quite well. The observed odd-even staggering of both $B(M1)$ and $B(E2)$ values is reproduced by the introduction of an appropriate interaction term of quadrupole type, which produces such a staggering effect in the transition strengths. The calculations show that the appearance of doublet bands in certain odd-odd nuclei could be a consequence of the realization of a larger dynamical symmetry based on the non-compact supersymmetry group $OSp(2\Omega /12, R)$.