We study the behavior of Cooper pair amplitudes that emerge when a two-dimensional superconductor is coupled to two parallel nanowires, focusing on the conditions for realizing odd-frequency pair amplitudes in the absence of spin-orbit coupling or magnetism. In general, any finite tunneling between the superconductor and the two nanowires induces odd-frequency spin-singlet pair amplitudes in the substrate as well as a substantial odd-frequency interwire pairing, both of which vanish locally. Interestingly, in the regime of strong superconductor-nanowire tunneling, we find that the presence of two nanowires allows for the conversion of non-local odd-frequency pairing to local even-frequency pairing. By studying this higher-order symmetry conversion process, we are able to identify a notable effect of the odd-frequency pairing in the superconductor on local quantities accessible by experiments. Specifically, we find that the odd-frequency pairing plays a direct role in the emergence of certain subgap features in the local density of states, and, importantly, it is responsible for a reduction of the maximum Josephson current between the two nanowires, measurable using Josephson scanning tunneling microscopy. We discuss ways to control the sizes of these effects induced by odd-frequency superconductivity by tuning the parameters describing the nanowires.