Motivation is vital for learning and mastering a language. Motivation related to second language learning is integrative and instrumental motivation. This research aims to describe students’ interest in learning English from the terms instrumental and integrative motivation. The research design is quantitative descriptive. The information obtained is interpreted as tables, diagrams and sentences. The research location is at the IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon campus for the odd academic year 2023-2024. The sample size was 100 students studying English using simple random sampling techniques. Data collection tools are questionnaires related to instrumental and integrative motivation, with 20 statements. The results show that integrative motivation is higher than instrumental motivation for various reasons. The instrumental motivation of students' desire to study English leads to the conclusion that their motivation is tied to their employment, future profession, and education. Regarding integration motivation, they recognized that English is a crucial language for worldwide communication. They are also eager to visit English-speaking countries, engage with native speakers, and utilize English with English-speaking friends or acquaintances. The majority of students learn English because of integrative motivation.
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