This process‐oriented study of the California Current system (CCS) uses a high‐resolution, multilevel, primitive equation ocean model on a β plane to isolate the response of that eastern boundary oceanic regime to temporal and spatially varying wind forcing. To study the generation, evolution, and maintenance of many of the observed features such as currents, meanders, and eddies in the CCS, the model is forced from rest with seasonal climatological winds. In response to the prevailing wind direction, surface equatorward currents develop, along with upwelling of cooler water along the coast and a poleward undercurrent. Baroclinic/barotropic instabilities in the equatorward surface current and poleward undercurrent result in the generation of meanders near the coast. As the meanders intensify, cold upwelling filaments develop along the coast and subsequently extend farther offshore. In time, the meanders form both cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies, which subsequently propagate farther offshore. Longer simulation times (∼3–4 years), in which a quasi‐equilibrium state for the CCS is reached, show a seasonal cycle in response to the wind forcing for the coastal currents, upwelling, and filaments. The meanders and eddies, however, can be quasi‐permanent as well as seasonal features. The quasi‐permanent features play a significant role in modifying coastal currents, upwelling, and filaments, which leads to large temporal and spatial variability in the CCS. In a sensitivity study, the results from several numerical experiments are used to examine the dependence of the generation of the currents, meanders, and eddies on the type of Coriolis parameterization, wind forcing, and coastline geometry. Both the meridional variability of ƒ(β plane) and the alongshore component of the wind stress are shown to be key ingredients for generating realistic vertical and horizontal structures for the cores of the surface equatorward and the subsurface poleward currents. With such structures the currents are baroclinically and barotropically unstable, resulting in the generation of meanders, filaments, and eddies. Irregularities in the coastline geometry are shown to be important for “anchoring” upwelling and filaments as well as for enhancing the growth of meanders and eddies. Cyclonic eddies tend to form in the vicinity of capes, while anticyclonic eddies tend to form in the coastal indentations between capes. The region off Cape Blanco is identified as the location where the coastal, equatorward flow off Oregon leaves the coast to develop a meandering jet off California. The results from these experiments support the hypothesis that wind forcing and coastline irregularities on a beta plane are important mechanisms for the generation of many of the observed features of the CCS.
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