The author points out that the associations of (continental) trap rocks and tholeiites of oceanic basins are very similar. Identical “mantle magmas” develop under continents and oceans and are largely independent of the nature of the overlying crust. Lavas of island arcs and geosynclines, distinctly different, have andesite-basalt associations in addition to tholeiitic ones, indicating geologic similarity of these kinds of features. This similarity is also indicated by the fact that island arcs are in some places along the trend of continental geosynclines; focal zones of deep earthquakes are present in both kinds of areas, have similar sedimentary sequences and have the same type of volcanic activity. The author uses these similarities and contrasts to postulate “that the principal structural types of the earth are represented by geosynclines and folded provinces on the one hand, and by (relatively) stable oceanic and continental provinces on the other.” Olivine basalt magma, at least in ocean basins, is...
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