Case Reports1 August 1942PROLONGED ADMINISTRATION OF SULFAPYRIDINE IN SUBACUTE BACTERIAL ENDOCARDITIS; REPORT OF CASE FOLLOWING ADMINISTRATION OF 621 GRAMSMORRIS WILBURNE, M.D., THOMAS A. MCGOLDRICK, M.D.MORRIS WILBURNE, M.D.Search for more papers by this author, THOMAS A. MCGOLDRICK, M.D.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Information SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptThe literature is replete with reports of the various toxic effects of sulfapyridine. Of principal importance are the effects on the blood, urinary tract, and liver. The occurrence of agranulocytosis was originally reported by Johnston,1later followed by Coxon and Forbes,2Barnett et al.,3Shullenberger,4and others. Acute hemolytic anemia was noted by Long and associates5in 0.6 per cent of 297 cases treated with sulfapyridine. The deposition of acetylsulfapyridine calculi in the urinary tract of experimental animals was first reported by Antopol and Robinson,6and by Gross, Cooper and Lewis,7and shortly afterward Southworth and Cooke8described the occurrence...Bibliography1. JOHNSTON FD: Agranulocytosis following treatment with M & B 693, Lancet, 1938, ii, 1200. CrossrefGoogle Scholar2. COXONFORBES RVJR: Agranulocytic angina following administration of M & B 693, Lancet, 1938, ii, 1412-1413. CrossrefGoogle Scholar3. BARNETTHARTMANPERLEYRUHOFF HLAFAMMB: The treatment of pneumococcic infections in infants and children with sulfapyridine, Jr. Am. Med. Assoc., 1939, cxii, 518-527. CrossrefGoogle Scholar4. SHULLENBERGER WA: Agranulocytosis following treatment of bacterial infections with sulfapyridine, Jr. Indiana State Med. Assoc., 1939, xxxii, 415-417. Google Scholar5. LONGHAVILANDEDWARDSBLISS PHJWLBEA: The toxic manifestations of sulfanilamide and its derivatives, Jr. Am. Med. Assoc., 1940, cxv, 364-368. CrossrefGoogle Scholar6. ANTOPOLROBINSON WH: Urolithiasis and renal pathology after oral administration of 2 (sulfanilylamino) pyridine (sulfapyridine), Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med., 1939, xl, 428-430. CrossrefGoogle Scholar7. GROSSCOOPERLEWIS PFBM: Urinary concretions caused by sulfapyridine, Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med., 1939, xl, 448-449. CrossrefGoogle Scholar8. SOUTHWORTHCOOKE HC: Hematuria, abdominal pain and nitrogen retention associated with sulfapyridine, Jr. Am. Med. Assoc., 1939, cxii, 1820-1821. Google Scholar9. LONGWOOD PHWB: Observations upon the experimental and clinical use of sulfapyridine. II. The treatment of pneumococcal pneumonia with sulfapyridine, ANN. INT. MED., 1939, xiii, 487-512. Google Scholar10. Cited by LONG et al.5 Google Scholar11. RAKEVAN DYKECORWIN GHBWC: Pathologic changes following prolonged administration of sulfathiazole and sulfapyridine, Am. Jr. Med. Sci., 1940, cc, 353-362. Google Scholar12. PLUMMERMCLELLAN NF: The production of sulfapyridine renal calculi in man, Jr. Am. Med. Assoc., 1940, cxiv, 943-946. Google Scholar13. LONG PH: Personal communication to the authors. Google Scholar14. PLUMMER N: Personal communication to the authors. Google Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: New York, N. Y.*Received for publication November 28, 1940.From the 2nd Medical Division, Welfare Hospital, Department of Hospitals, Welfare Island, New York, N. Y. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics 1 August 1942Volume 17, Issue 2Page: 333-339KeywordsBloodEndocarditisHemolytic anemiaLiver ePublished: 1 December 2008 Issue Published: 1 August 1942 PDF downloadLoading ...
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