rently emphasize activation with blood flow measures. However, there is lack of data on carefully screened unmedicated patients compared to socio-demographieally balanced healthy control subjects, with reliable q~'nitative measure of resting baseline metabolism. Thus, there is still debate on whether hypofrontality exists under this condition, or whether there are lateralized abnormalities. We measured glucose utilization using mF-fluoro-deoxyglucose (FIX;) and positron emission tornography (PET) in 42 unmedicated patients and 42 socio-demographitally balanced healthy controls. Subjects were screened for medical conditions affecting brain metabolism and controls were also screened for psychopathology in first-degree relatives. Measures were obtained during a standard resting baseline condition (eyes open, ears unoccluded). MRIs were also obtained. ROls for anatomically co-registered PET images ineluded caudate, insula, globus pallidus, lenticular rtu¢leus, thalamus, parahippoeampal gyms, uncus, hippocampus, amygdala, mammiilary bodies, ant.crier a ~ pose ~rjor ¢~ngulum (subcortical regions), midfrontal, dorsolateral prefrontal, inferior frontal, orbitofrontal, rect. ! gyms, superior temporal, midtemporal, inferotemporal, parietal, sensorimotor, occipitotemporal, and occipital (cortical regions), and anterior and posterior corpus callosum, cerebellum and midbrain. Results showed a remarkable similarity of topography when regions were averaged between the two hemisphere. Indeed, the means for patients and controls were entirely overlapping. However, a laterality index (L-R) showed higher left hemispheric metabolism in patients for the superior temporal (p<,05) and mid. temporal cortex (p<,001), and lower left than right activity in thalamus and midbrain (p<.01). Thus, patients with schizophrenia have normal to. pography of resting brain activity, with no suggestion of hypofrontality. The laterality fndings indicate relatively higher left hemispheric activation in cortical regions and a reverse effect for subeortical regions. This pattern will be related to clinical and neuropsychological data.
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