Full-scale experimental crash tests are important to determine the occupant risk factors and understand barrier system behaviour in vehicle-barrier impacts. Due to the expensive and time-consuming nature of such crash tests, finite element simulations of full-scale crash tests to analyse and design road safety structures have gained popularity as a more practical method of assessment. In this research, a simplified simulation technique was employed by dividing the barrier system into two sections called the Impact Zone and the Rigid Zone, which was adopted for concrete crash barriers for the first time. A previously performed experimental crash test was used to successfully validate the numerical model. The numerical crash model accurately predicted the critical parameters of the barrier performance. The numerical simulation was further used to extract otherwise difficult or impossible results from the experimental crash test, such as internal energies and exit angles. The importance of the use of optimised Karagozian and Case concrete material parameters was demonstrated through a parametric study carried out with autogenerated parameters. A parametric study performed with impact speed and angle proved that increased speed is more harmful for occupants than a more oblique impact angle. The potential benefits of replacing traditional concrete with improved energy absorbing concrete to reduce occupant risks were also investigated. The comparison of results between the numerical models and experimental crash test confirms the trustworthiness of the developed models to simulate the vehicle-barrier crashes for analysing existing barrier designs and further developing new barrier designs to increase road safety.
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