This research investigates the impact of radiation pressure, albedo effect, and oblateness in the generalized Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem (CR3BP). We have considered the bigger primary is a radiating primary and the smaller primary produces the albedo effect. Moreover, the smaller primary is also considered as oblate body with zonal harmonic coefficient Ji;i=2,4. In this study, we have computed the equilibrium points and analyzed their stability, examined zero velocity curves to determine regions of possible motion, and described the periodic orbits around the equilibrium points. We observed that the equilibrium points are more significantly influenced by radiation pressure compared to the albedo effect. Furthermore, larger values of the oblateness parameters J2 and J4 notably impact on the equilibrium points. Moreover, an analysis is performed using the radiation pressure and albedo effect to assess the linear stability of all equilibrium points, and it is found that the collinear points are unstable, whereas, non-collinear equilibrium points are stable. We have obtained periodic orbits around the equilibrium points and observed that the amplitudes in the y− axes of the periodic orbit around L1 and L2 affected due to consideration of these perturbations, whereas the orbit around L3 is not affected by any of these considered perturbations. This research provides a comprehensive analysis of these perturbations, offering new perspectives on their roles in the generalized CR3BP.
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