The Ukrainian state is a country with centuries-old history, on her walks of life unique sights of architectural inheritance are kept. Prykarpattya counts 3944 sights of cultural heritage, from what 1443 are the objects of sights of architecture, 90 sights are the objects of national value, other 1353 are local. Two monuments of sacred architecture are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List: the Church of the Holy Spirit in 1598 in Rohatyn and the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1808 in the village of Nyzhnii Verbizh, Kolomyia district. The basis of the development of the state is the preservation of cultural heritage, because it is a kind of engine of socio-cultural development of each nation. Preservation can be carried out by protecting, including material elements in modern urban planning, maintaining and monitoring the state of preservation and functioning of the cultural heritage object. The material part of the architectural heritage includes: urban planning systems, buildings and structures, anthropogenic landscapes, monuments of architecture, urban planning, monumental art, archeology, etc. The intangible part of the architectural heritage includes: professional experience, concepts theoretical views and ideas accumulated by the people and fixed in any form. Issues related to the protection and preservation of architectural heritage are regulated by the Convention for the Protection of European Architectural Heritage, which was ratified in 2006. The issue of assessing the architectural heritage is spelled out in the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Cultural Heritage”, which states that each architectural monument is an object of real estate and is subject to monetary valuation, since it carries property value. The article describes the number of architectural objects that we refer to as cultural monuments of national importance and on the example of several of them described their current state of preservation and architecture, as we see most of the architectural monuments need restoration. In the article, we analysed the methodology for assessing the state of preservation of architectural monuments and methods of monetary valuation of architectural objects and determined that none of them takes into account the historical value of the architectural heritage object, so we proposed to identify and take into account the following main criteria for evaluating an architectural monument: construction period, historical memory of the object, location of the object, tourist potential, socio-cultural object, uniqueness of the object, authenticity of the object. It is necessary to take into account the historical aspect in the methods of assessment, first of all, in order for people to realize the importance of preserving and protecting architectural objects. Keywords: architectural monument, state of preservation of architectural heritage, assessment of architectural heritage objects.
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