The Transylvanian Nappes belongs to the Central – East – Carpathian Nappes System (the Dacides Medianes) which forms. The Transylvanian Nappes have a superior position in the Carpahian tectonic system that favored their fragmentation in the obduction process and slow gravitational decollement. This process makes difficult to establish the exclusively Mesozoic Transylvanian sedimentary series, especially because the majority of the litostratigraphic members occur only as isolated klippe in the Hauterivian-Aptian wildflysh filling (the superior formation belonging to the Bucovinian Nappe) of the Rarau Syncline. The allochtonous sedimentary succesion of the Transylvanian Nappes is almost exclusively represented by pelagic carbonate deposits. The amazing fossil diversity offered mainly by the klippes of the Rarau Syncline facilitated the reconstruction of the Triassic lithological column which contains all stratigraphical terms confirmed by a rich paleontological material. The Upper Triassic carbonate deposits cropp out in few metric (Piatra Zimbrului, Popii Raraului) or submetric blocks (the klippes on the Cailor, Maces, Izvorul Malului brooks, on the springs of the Timon brook etc.) occuring in the Rarau Syncline. The studied limestone klippe is located on the left side of the Izvorul Malului brook, about 2,5 – 3 km up from his confluence with the Moldova river. The klippe which is almost totally exploited consists of few white and gray limestone submetric blocks with Halobia. Microcrystalline carbonates are represented by muddy sediments accumulated in lowenergy quiet waters on the sea floor. The sediment consists of skeletal debris and unattached precipitates or of attached non-sketetal precipitates. The last two cases corespond to the autochthonous organomicrites and are characterized by common peloidal fabric. The formation of peloids requires low or moderate rates of sediment input. Tethyan Carnian, Norian and Rhaetian carbonate platform are characterized by specific benthic foraminiferal assemblages. They have proved to be extremely useful in recognising facies zones. The distribution was controlled by substrate conditions and salinity, nutrient requirements, specific life behavior, the topography of depositional environment, water depth and light. The microscopic analysis of the carbonate klippe made on 30 thin sections allowed the differentiation of several microfacies types whose micropaleontological content covers the Upper Triassic time. The Carnian microfacies are: biomicrites with pelmicrites and sparites. The biomicrites contain a fossil assemblage consist of few foraminifera, alga, sponges, incertae sedis, (e.g. Agathammina austroalpina Kristan-Tollmann & Tollmann, Trochammina alpina Kristan, Glomospirella aff. facilis Ho, Endoteba ex. gr. obturata Bronnimann & Zaninetti, Glomospira sp., Solenopora simionescui Dragastan, Solenopora cassiana Flugel, Cryptocoelia zitteli Ott, Spiriamphorella carpathica gemerica Borza & Samuel), microgastropods etc. The Norian – Rhaetian microfacies, according to their frequency, are: crinoid biosparites, biomicrites and pelmicrites. The foraminiferal assemblage contains a few species: Agathammina austroalpina Kristan-Tollmann & Tollmann, Variostoma catilliforme Kristan- Tollmann, Trochammina alpina Kristan, Glomospira inconstans Michalik, Glomospirella friedli Kristan-Tollmann, Glomospirella sp., Endoteba ex. gr. obturata Bronnimann & Zaninetti, Diplotremmina sp. Aerobic conditions are indicated by a gastropod-ostracod-foraminifera community and a monotypic bivalve assemblage. Diagenetic microfacies criteria are cements, neomorphic alterations, dissolution features and fracturing. Calcite cements occur predominantly within the shell interior (marine radial fibrous cement and late diagenesis recrystallized blocky cement). The limestones were affected by near-surface and marine diagenesis (inversion of aragonite, radial fibrous cement) and burial diagenesis (coarse blocky calcspar cement). Microfacies features prove the depositional settings of the limestones of the Izvorul Malului klippe: flat platform top within euphotic zone sufficiently connected with the open sea to maintain salinity and temperature close to that of the adjacent sea; shallow-water (water depths a few meters to ten of meters). The studied limestones are the inner platform carbonates. (open marine and restricted area of the inner platform).
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