Microbial metabolism changes in soil systems along a vegetation restoration gradient have attracted considerable attention; however, the differences in microbial metabolic limitations between the rhizosphere and bulk soil and their drivers during natural secondary forest restoration after disturbance have rarely been investigated. Here, we used multiple methods based on extracellular enzymatic stoichiometry to examine the microbial metabolic limitations in the rhizosphere and bulk soils along with a clear-cut oak (Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata) forest restoration over 58 years in the Qinling Mountains, China. Overall, the microbial metabolisms in both rhizosphere and bulk soils were co-limited by the availability of soil carbon (C) and phosphorus (P), and the limitations tended to decrease during restoration. Rhizosphere soil microorganisms were subject to relatively strong C limitation and weak P limitation compared with those in bulk soil. Microbial C and P limitations in the bulk soil were regulated by the nutrient ratios, and those in the rhizosphere soil were mainly dependent on the available nutrients mediated by soil moisture. Our results indicate that variations in the soil nutrients caused by oak forest restoration and water differences caused by the rhizosphere effect regulated microbial C and P metabolism in the rhizosphere and bulk soils. This study highlights the microbial metabolism difference between rhizosphere and bulk soil and its drivers during oak forest restoration and provides insights into the microbial resource limitation, nutrient cycling, and rhizosphere processes in the natural secondary forests after clear-cutting.