The April 2010 earthquake (Mw = 7.2), which occurred about 40 km to the southeast of the city of Mexicali, Mexico, caused significant damage to buildings. To improve knowledge of the seismic response of the soil due to the occurrence of earthquakes, a response spectrum at 5% damping was calculated. A comparison between the spectral ordinates obtained in this study and the spectra proposed by the regulations of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE for its acronym in Spanish) in its seismic design for civil works manual, which is currently used as the design standard throughout the country, was made. We calculated response spectra using records from the April 2010 earthquake and a stratigraphic profile of the city to calculate a transfer function. We first corrected the records for site effect due to stations being over sedimentary soil, and then used them as Green functions to perform a numerical simulation of propagation through the stratigraphic profile to obtain a simulated surface record from which response spectra were calculated. Additionally, ambient seismic noise was measured at the same site to get the dominant period (To). We observed that the transfer function was similar to the spectral quotient up to 5 Hz and that To calculated in both ways gave similar values. The comparison suggests that the design spectrum of the CFE regulation can be considered as a representative spectrum for Mexicali for periods greater than 1.3 s, but not for the zone of short periods.
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