The paper investigates the issues of increasing the performance of computing systems by improving the efficiency of cache memory, analyzes the efficiency indicators of replacement algorithms. We show the necessity of creation of automated or automatic means for cache memory tuning in the current conditions of program code execution, namely a dynamic cache replacement algorithms control by replacement of the current replacement algorithm by more effective one in current computation conditions. Methods development for caching policy control based on the program type definition: cyclic, sequential, locally-point, mixed. We suggest the procedure for selecting an effective replacement algorithm by support decision-making methods based on the current statistics of caching parameters. The paper gives the analysis of existing cache replacement algorithms. We propose a decision-making procedure for selecting an effective cache replacement algorithm based on the methods of ranking alternatives, preferences and hierarchy analysis. The critical number of cache hits, the average time of data query execution, the average cache latency are selected as indicators of initiation for the swapping procedure for the current replacement algorithm. The main advantage of the proposed approach is its universality. This approach assumes an adaptive decision-making procedure for the effective replacement algorithm selecting. The procedure allows the criteria variability for evaluating the replacement algorithms, its’ efficiency, and their preference for different types of program code. The dynamic swapping of the replacement algorithm with a more efficient one during the program execution improves the performance of the computer system.
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