Exchange-only spin qubits hosted in $^{28}$Si-based triple quantum dots do not suffer from decoherence caused by randomly fluctuating nuclear-spin ensembles and can be relatively robust against electrical noise when operated at a sweet spot. Remaining sources of decoherence are qubit relaxation, leakage out of the qubit subspace, and dephasing due to residual effects of charge noise, the latter two of which are the focus of this work. We investigate spin-orbit-mediated leakage rates to the three-spin ground state accompanied by virtual (i) tunneling, (ii) orbital excitation, and (iii) valley excitation of an electron. We find different power-law dependencies on the applied magnetic field $B$ for the three mechanisms as well as for the two leakage rates, ranging from $\propto B^5$ to $\propto B^{11}$, and identify the sweet spot as a point of minimal leakage. We also revisit the role of electrical noise at the sweet spot, and show that it causes a decay of coherent qubit oscillations that follows a power law $\propto 1/t$ (as opposed to the more common exponential decay) and introduces a $\pi/2$ phase shift.