The power of one qubit deterministic quantum processor (DQC1) (Knill and Laflamme (1998)) generates a nonclassical correlation known as quantum discord. The DQC1 algorithm executes in an efficient way with a characteristic time given byτ=Tr[Un]/2n, whereUnis annqubit unitary gate. For pure states, quantum discord means entanglement while for mixed states such a quantity is more than entanglement. Quantum discord can be thought of as the mutual information between two systems. Within the quantum discord approach the role of time in an efficient evaluation ofτis discussed. It is found that the smaller the value oft/Tis, wheretis the time of execution of the DQC1 algorithm andTis the scale of time where the nonclassical correlations prevail, the more efficient the calculation ofτis. A Mösbauer nucleus might be a good processor of the DQC1 algorithm while a nuclear spin chain would not be efficient for the calculation ofτ.