Theranostic 197m,gHg of high specific activity may be produced by proton or deuteron activation of gold. The particle choice affects the isomeric ratio. In order to compare both projectiles, we re-measured cross-sections of the nuclear reactions 197Au(d,x)197mHg, 197gHg, 198mAu, 198gAu, 196m2Au, 196m1+gAu in the energy range of 8.3–19.7 MeV having employed usual stacked-foil method. The obtained values were compared with previously measured data and with prediction of the TALYS nuclear reaction model code adopted from the TENDL-2017 library. Experimental data were used for calculation of the thick target yields. The yields for the isomeric pair 197m,gHg were confronted with those for recently re-measured proton-induced reactions. We also provide a new data set for the reaction natCu(d,x)63Zn.