Transformations of vector or tensor properties from a space-fixed to a molecule-fixed axis system are often required in the study of rotating molecules. Spherical components λμ,ν of a first rank irreducible tensor can be obtained from the direction cosines between the two axis systems, and a second rank tensor with spherical components λμ,ν(2) can be built from the direct product λ × λ.It is shown that the treatment of the interaction between molecular rotation and the electric quadrupole of a nucleus is greatly simplified, if the coefficients in the axis-system transformation of the gradient of the electric field of the outer charges at the coupled nucleus are arranged as spherical components λμ,ν(2). Then the reduced matrix elements of the field gradient operators in a symmetric top eigenfunction basis, including their dependence on the molecule-fixed z-angular momentum component k, can be determined from the knowledge of those of λ(2). The hyperfine structure Hamiltonian Hq is expressed as the sum of terms characterized each by a value of the molecule-fixed index ν, whose matrix elements obey the rule Δk = ν. Some of these terms may vanish because of molecular symmetry, and the specific cases of linear and symmetric top molecules, orthorhombic molecules, and molecules with symmetry lower than orthorhombic are considered.Each ν-term consists of a contraction of the rotational tensor λ(2) and the nuclear quadrupole tensor in the space-fixed frame, and its matrix elements in the rotation-nuclear spin coupled representation can be determined by the standard spherical tensor methods.
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