The nuclear magnetic resonarce (N.M.R.) and atomic hyperfine structure methods for the measurement of a nuclear g-factor depend upon the interaction of the nuclear magnetic moment with an appiied external magnetic field or with an internal atomic field, respectively. In the N.M.R. method the ratio of the resonance frequencies for two isotopes gives the ratio of their nuclear g-factors directly. However for some pairs of isotopes the terms containing the effects of the internal fieids differ slightly. In such cases, the ratio of the A's, the internal interaction constants, obtained by the atomic hyperfine structure method is not exactiy equal to the ratio of the g's. It has recentiy been pointed out that, to establish the h.f.s. anomaly for boron, a more precise vdiue is needed for the ratio of the nuclear gvalues of B/sup 11/ and B/sup 10/. The values for the ratio of A's calculated from a h.f.s. measurement and the g values obtained by N.M.R. method agree within the iatter's rather large limits of error so that there appears to be no h.f.s. anomaly. (A.C.)