Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), entering aquatic systemsfrom industrial and consumer waste can cause contamina-tion of the aquatic environment. As a result of bioaccu-mulation when they enter the food chain, Cd and Pb cancause serious damage to physiological processes or tissuesin aquatic organisms even at concentrations far below thelethal level (He et al., 2005).Erythrocytic micronuclei (EMN) and erythrocytic nu-clear abnormalities (ENA) have been routinely applied toassess water quality and the genotoxicity of contaminantson organisms (Chandra and Khuda-Bukhsh, 2004; Zhuet al., 2004). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an enzymethat can scavenge superoxide anions and protect organismsfrom adverse effects. Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase)is an enzyme that catalyzes adenosinetriphosphate hydro-lysis and provides chemical energy for organisms. Theactivities of SOD and ATPase have been used as biomar-kers for assessing water quality (Achuba, 2002; Brauneret al., 2003).Like fish, tadpoles are inevitably affected by heavymetals in aquatic systems. Perez-Coll and Herkovits (1990;1996) and Herkovits and Perez-Coll (1993) have docu-mented the accumulation of Cd or Pb in the tissues andorgans of embryos and tadpoles. Lefcort et al. (1998) re-ported that heavy metals could alter the survival, growth,metamorphosis and antipredatory behavior of Rana lutei-ventris tadpoles. Rosenberg et al. (1998) studied the sub-lethal effect of lead on erythrocyte osmotic fragility in Bufoarenarum. Naab et al. (2001) reported that Zn could inhibitthe pentose phosphate pathway in the ovaries of adultB. arenarum females, resulting in a decrease of the embryosurvival ratio. Carattino et al. (2004) showed that bothglucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluco-nate dehydrogenase activities could be used as biomarkersfor Cu but not for Cd toxicity. Fonovich de Schroeder(2005) proposed a possible role for glucose 6-phosphatedehydrogenase as a biomarker for Zn in B. arenarumovarian tissue. Bufo raddei is the most common species inNorth China and is highly adaptable to polluted environ-ments. Our previous work (Huang et al., 2004; Long et al.,2004) showed that Cd and Pb increased the mortality andmalformation ratio and prolonged the development andmetamorphosis period in tadpoles, but had little effect onthe hatching of B. raddei. Although various reports haveshown that heavy metals can affect tadpoles’ growth anddevelopment, little is known about the chronic toxicityeffects of Cd and Pb on the physiological processes of B.raddei. tadpoles. The purpose of this research is to explorethe effects of Cd and Pb on EMN and ENA frequencies,SOD and ATPase activities in target organs of B. raddeitadpoles with increasing concentrations of heavy metal andexposure times.Materials and MethodsBovine serum albumin (BSA) and Giemsa were obtainedfrom Sigma (USA). All other chemicals and reagents wereof analytical grade and were procured from local chemicalcompanies.
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