Psychosis is a mental illness that causes an alteration in the notion of reality, where a world of its own is formed in the mind of the psychotic, in other words, he lives in a delirium and suffers hallucinations, hearing voices and having bizarre visions. Objectives: To carry out a literature review on Forensic Psychiatry and how to assess the mental health of a serial killer. Method: The methodology used was a literature review. The research was carried out by means of an electronic search for scientific articles published on the Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and Lilacs (Latin American Health Sciences Literature) and Pubmed websites. The health terminologies consulted in the Health Sciences descriptors (DeCS/BIREME) were used; regarding Forensic Psychiatry and how to assess the mental health disorder of a serial killer.The inclusion criteria were: original article, published in Portuguese and English, freely accessible, in full, on the subject, in electronic format and published in the last years (2010 to 2024), totaling 26 articles. Results and Discussion: While antisocial personality disorder is a medical diagnosis, the term “psychopathy”, which belongs to the psychiatric-forensic sphere, can be understood as a “legal diagnosis”. There is still no effective treatment for so-called “serial killers”. Conclusion: Personality disorders, especially the antisocial type, still represent a real challenge for forensic psychiatry today. The most appropriate and fair place for its sufferers, as well as homogeneous treatment recommendations, are still unanswered questions.
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