You may not realize it, from the d iscussions, but peo ple in ot hercountries use electricity. They, too, have t ran sm ission systems . Theyhave set up diffe rent means of ow ning, regu lating or ope ra ting thesenetworks . Yet the ligh t bulbs con tin ue to shine . Americans, however, tend to suffer from the NIH (not inventedhere) syndrome, so they often struggle through the process of reinvent-ing the wheel. When the government enters the picture, and all thestakeholders get into the act to make sure that nobody gores their oxen,the reform effort turns convoluted, and the resulting product does notfollow the dictates of the medieval philosopher William of Occam,which was keep it simple, stupid", but rather Rube Goldberg , the designerof convoluted contraptions, such as the ISO, 50, let's try to simplify theissues,