We have identified the diversity of secondary communities formed instead of earlier agricultural lands (middle and south taiga subzones of the European North-East of Russia). The work describes 8 associations, 2 subassociations of the classes Papaveretea rhoeadis, Artemisietea vulgaris,Epilobietea angustifolii, Molinio–Arrhenatheretea, Vaccinio–Piceetea. 3 associations (Urtico dioicae–Chamaenerietum angustifolii, Centaureo phrygiae–Dactyletum glomeratae, Deschampsio cespitosae–Salicetum capreae), 1 subassociation (Galeopsietum bifidae galeopsietosum speciosae)were fixed for the first time. We noted a replacement of segetal communities (subass. Galeopsietum bifidae galeopsietosum speciosae) by meadow communities (аss. Centaureo phrygiae–Dactyletum glomeratae) through the domination stage of Cirsium setosum and Elytrigia repens (аss. Cirsio setosi–Elytrigietum repentis). Favorable conditions for development of woody plants (small size of study area, its close position to forest ecosystems, poorly sodded soil) respond for replacement of meadow succession stage by young woody plants towards the second decade of succession. Earlier agricultural lands are an appropriated place for formation of birch forests with a well-developed undergrowth of Salix caprea and herb layer of meadow and forest edge plants (аss. Deschampsio cespitosae–Salicetum capreae). Big-size study areas with a well-formed grass stand are dominated by meadow communities towards the second succession decade even in case of no haying. The highly competitive nitrophytes as Heracleum sosnowskyi, Chamaenerion angustifolium, Anthriscus sylvestris form the following communities as аss. Urtico dioicae–Heracleetum sosnowskyi, аss. Urtico dioicae–Chamaenerietum angustifolii, аss. Symphyto officinalis–Anthriscetum sylvestris. Being highly competitive, these species lead to degradation of first-formed meadow communities.