The different genetic alterations observed in diffuse and intestinal types of gastric cancer suggest that these two pathological types may represent different disease entities. We present two cases of primary gastric carcinoma, a well-differentiated intestinal type adenocarcinoma and a poorly differentiated diffuse type adenocarcinoma, both studied by a 24-color multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization technique (M-FISH). The well-differentiated intestinal type adenocarinoma exhibited fewer structural abnormalities with five noncomplex translocations, deletions of chromosomes 5q, 6q, and 17q and an i(8q). In the case of poorly differentiated diffuse carcinoma, structural abnormalities predominated and normal homologues were mostly absent. But there were also similarities between the two cases: translocations on 1p and 9p; structural abnormalities of chromosome 8 with consistent loss of 8p; structural abnormalities of 12q; partial loss of chromosome 17 and 18; and polysomy of chromosome 20. This study shows that M-FISH is valuable in identifying hidden structural abnormalities and could, therefore, be useful in the investigation of primary solid tumors.
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