We examine the theory of collisionless transverse current waves in bulk superfluid 3He-B, including the coupling to the order parameter collective modes. A t low frequencies, co << A(T), the order parameter modes do not contribute to the restoring force for a transverse current, and the quasiparticle contribution drops rapidly as the gap in the spectrum develops. Thus, low-frequency transverse sound becomes overdamped at temperatures near To. However, at low temperatures (T<0.3Tc) the off-resonant coupling to the J=2-, M=+I modes stabilizes a propagating transverse current mode, with a large phase velocity and low damping for frequencies above a critical frequency that is approximately that of the J = 2- mode. We also discuss the similarities and differences of longitudinal and transverse sound in the superfluid phases. For example, in zero field, right- and left-circularly polarized waves are degenerate. A magnet&field, with H II ~1, lifts this degeneracy, giving rise to the analog of circular dichroism and birefringence of electromagnetic waves. Thus, transverse waves may be more easily detected in the B-phase than in normal 3He.