Background & objectives Immunization is an efficient and cost-effective way of lowering the infectious disease related morbidity and mortality in the community. The current study reviewed the trend of immunization, gaps in doses of vaccine given at the same time and gaps between the doses of same vaccine from National Family Health Survey (NFHS 1-5) rounds. Methods The current study extracted data from all five NFHS rounds conducted from 1992-93 to 2019-21. The study analyzed the State-wise and demography-wise distribution of trends of immunization from NFHS-1 to NFHS-5. State wise distribution of change in vaccination coverage between NFHS-4 and 5 was analyzed. The study also assessed the State-wise trends of fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children from NFHS 1-5. Results The northeastern States had maximum gap between the vaccination given at birth i.e., 47.3 per cent between BCG and Hepatitis B, and 32.8 per cent between BCG and birth dose of OPV in Manipur in NFHS -5. A gradual rise in the percentage of male (40.2%) and female (41.9%) childrens' vaccination was found across the NFHS rounds with reduction in gap between the male and female vaccination from NFHS-1 (2.6%) to NFHS-5 (0.9%). The percentage of vaccination decreased proportionately with birth order. The vaccination coverage has increased in both urban and rural population, but the rise was higher in rural (45.9%) areas than urban (24.8%). An increase in percentage of fully vaccinated children by 41.2 per cent and decrease in percentage of non-vaccinated children by 26.4 per cent was observed from NFHS-1 to NFHS-5. Interpretation & conclusions Our analysis clearly suggests that immunization coverage has improved over a period of time but the variability in vaccine coverage across States and gap in vaccine doses needs attention of the policy makers to cover this for achieving our national immunization goals.
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