Evolution of non-uniform cake structure in the cross-flow membrane process was investigated in this study. Considering the real cake surface morphology and particle size distribution, the sedimentation probability of foulant (γ) was calculated, then a new flux prediction model based on the mass conservation on the cake surface was proposed. Results showed that the predictions of the new model had excellent agreements with experimental data (R2 > 0.97), wherein cake surface heights obeyed normal distribution and protrusion heights approximately obeyed exponential distribution. Meanwhile, γ decreased with cross-flow velocity from 4.59 % (0.24 m/s) to 2.53 % (0.48 m/s), whereas γ increased with trans-membrane pressure from 2.80 % (0.1 MPa) to 6.44 % (0.2 MPa). In addition, a skin layer which was approximately about 20 % of total cake thickness but possessed 70 % of the total resistance, was also observed in the cross-flow mode. These results provided a brand-new perspective (tuning cake morphology or structure) on the essence of membrane fouling alleviation.
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