An ill-posed inverse problem of autoconvolution type is investigated. This inverse problem occurs in non-linear optics in the context of ultrashort laser pulse characterization. The novelty of the mathematical model consists in a physically required extension of the deautoconvolution problem beyond the classical case usually discussed in literature: (i) For measurements of ultrashort laser pulses with the self-diffraction SPIDER method, a stable approximate solution of an autocovolution equation with a complex-valued kernel function is needed. (ii) The considered scenario requires complex functions both, in the solution as well as in the right-hand side of the integral equation. Since, however, noisy data are available not only for amplitude and phase functions of the right-hand side, but also for the amplitude of the solution, the stable approximate reconstruction of the associated smooth phase function represents the main goal of the paper. An iterative regularization approach will be described that is specifically adapted to the physical situation in pulse characterization, using a non-standard stopping rule for the iteration process of computing regularized solutions. The opportunities and limitations of regularized solutions obtained by our approach are illustrated by means of several case studies for synthetic noisy data and physically realistic complex-valued kernel functions. Based on an example with focus on amplitude perturbations, we show that the autoconvolution equation is locally ill-posed everywhere. To date, the analytical treatment of the impact of noisy data on phase perturbations remains an open question. However, we show its influence with the help of numerical experiments. Moreover, we formulate assertions on the non-uniqueness of the complex-valued autoconvolution problem, at least for the simplified case of a constant kernel. The presented results and figures associated with case studies illustrate the ill-posedness phenomena also for the case of non-trivial complex kernel functions.