This work investigates the characteristics of nonlinear large-amplitude ion-acoustic waves that occur and propagate in a non-Maxwellian plasma consisting of inertial ions and electrons beam as well as inertialess Cairns-distributed electrons. For this purpose, this inquiry utilizes a two-fluid model with the Sagdeev pseudopotential technique. By utilizing the Sagdeev pseudopotential, a mathematical equation similar to an energy balance equation is derived. The effects of the related physical parameters, including the inertialess electron concentration, the electron beam concentration, and the electron beam velocity, on the existence region of the solitary waves (SWs), and accordingly, the properties of ion-acoustic SWs (IASWs) are examined. Also, the Cairns distribution of electrons can significantly affect the features of large-amplitude IASWs, depending on the parameter that controls the distribution (the inertialess electron nonthermality). Additionally, the distinctive features of the solitary waves and their existence domain in connection with the relevant plasma parameters are also addressed.
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