Our first long-term animal experiment made use of 1920 female Wistar rats divided into 20 groups of 96 animals each. These were injected at 12 weeks of age with different volumes and different dosages of Thorotrast which was enriched with 230Th to enhance the alpha-energy emission rate. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects due to the colloidal substance and the radiation. In the main experiment, 12 groups of rats were injected intravenously with 60, 120 and 300 μl Thorotrast. 230Th was added to some Thorotrast preparations so that the total alpha-energy emission rate varied by factors of 1, 2, 5 and 10 relative to normal Thorotrast. Two groups were injected with 12 and 60 μl of 50-fold enriched Thorotrast. One group was given 600 μl of normal Thorotrast. In addition, we had 5 control groups, 1 NaCl and 4 Dextrin groups. The latter were injected with 60, 120, 300 or 600 μl of Dextrin. The first animals died 8 months after injection, and the last 11 animals were killed 41 months after starting the experiment. The number of animals that developed a hepatic or splenic tumor increased by a factor of 10 in the highest dose-rate groups compared to controls. Our results demonstrated a ….
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