Idiopathic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) is one of the least common types of GN. This article critically evaluates the literature and generates evidence-based recommendations for the management of idiopathic MPGN. For all age groups, for idiopathic MPGN with normal renal function and asymptomatic nonnephrotic range proteinuria, no specific therapy is necessary (grades B and C). Close follow-up every three to four months, with specific attention to renal function, proteinuria, and blood pressure control, is recommended. In children with MPGN and nephrotic syndrome and/or impaired renal function, a trial of steroids is warranted (grade A). The best data suggest high-dose, alternate-day steroids for a period of 6 to 12 months (40 mg/m2 on alternate days). If no benefit is seen, discontinuation with close follow-up and attention to conservative treatment (that is, blood pressure control, use of agents to reduce proteinuria, and correction of metabolic abnormalities) is recommended. In adults with MPGN, impaired renal function, and/or nephrotic-range proteinuria, a trial of aspirin (325 mg daily), dipyridamole (75 to 100 mg tid), or a combination of the two for 12 months is reasonable (grade B). Again, if no benefits are seen, the treatment should be stopped. Attention to factors known to delay the progression of renal decline and close follow-up should be part of the treatment plan (grades B and C).
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