Let \({\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N}\) be an arbitrary open set with boundary \({\partial \Omega, 1 N > 1. In the first part of the article, we show that weak solutions of the quasi-linear elliptic equation \({-{\rm div}(|\nabla u|^{p-2} \nabla u)+a(x)|u|^{p-2}u=f}\) in Ω with the nonlocal Robin type boundary conditions formally given by \({|\nabla u|^{p-2} \partial u/\partial\nu+b(x)|u|^{p-2}u+\Theta_p(u)=0}\) on \({\partial \Omega}\) belong to L ∞(Ω). In the second part, assuming that Ω has a finite measure, we prove that for every \({p \in (1,\infty)}\), a realization of the operator \({\Delta_p}\) in L 2(Ω) with the above-mentioned nonlocal Robin boundary conditions generates a nonlinear order-preserving semigroup \({(S_\Theta(t))_{t \ge 0}}\) of contraction operators in L 2(Ω) if and only if \({\partial \Omega}\) is admissible (in the sense of the relative capacity) with respect to the (N − 1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure \({\fancyscript{H}^{N-1}|_{\partial \Omega}}\). We also show that this semigroup is ultracontractive in the sense that, for every \({u_0 \in L^q(\Omega)}\) (q ≥ 2) one has \({S_\Theta(t)u_0 \in L^\infty(\Omega)}\) for every t > 0. Moreover, \({\|S_\Theta(t)}\) satisfies the following (L q − L ∞)-Holder type estimate: there is a constant C ≥ 0 such that for every t > 0 and \({u_0, v_0 \in L^q(\Omega)}\) (q ≥ 2), $$\begin{array}{ll}\|S_\Theta(t)u_0-S_\Theta(t)v_0\|_{\infty, \Omega} \le C|\Omega|^\beta t^{-\delta} \|u_0-v_0\|_{q, \Omega}^\gamma,\end{array}$$ where β, δ, and γ are explicit constants depending on N, p, and q only.
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