This paper is mainly devoted to studying the asymptotic spreading speeds of nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations with advection terms in heterogeneous space. Under certain conditions, the diffusion kernel function K ( x , y ) that represents the population diffusion rate takes into account both the displacement distance y and the current position x, which satisfies the spatial heterogeneity condition. The asymptotic spreading speeds c l ∗ , c r ∗ , and their spreading properties are obtained through principal eigenvalue and the upper-lower solution method combined with the improved ‘forward-backward spreading’ method, respectively. Among them, the construction of the lower solutions corresponding to different speeds is the key and difficult point. In addition, the influence of heterogeneity is solved by taking the integral average ⌊ g ⌋ method. Moreover, by constructing the appropriate function S ( K ~ ) through the properties of function c l ∗ and function c r ∗ , the signs of asymptotic spreading speeds are also discussed.
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