We report results showing that spatially periodic Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) waves, which are exact nonlinear traveling wave solutions of the Vlasov-Maxwell equations for collisionless plasmas, satisfy a nonlinear principle of superposition in the small-amplitude limit. For an electric potential consisting of N traveling waves, cphi(x,t)= ${\mathcal{J}}_{\mathit{i}=1}^{\mathit{N}}$${\mathit{cphi}}^{(\mathit{i})}$(x-${\ensuremath{\nu}}_{\mathit{i}}$t), where ${\ensuremath{\nu}}_{\mathit{i}}$ is the velocity of the ith wave and each wave amplitude ${\mathit{cphi}}^{(\mathit{i})}$ is of order \ensuremath{\epsilon} which is small, we first derive a set of quantities ${\mathit{scr}\mathit{\ifmmode \bar{E}\else \={E}\fi{}}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}}^{(\mathit{i})}$(x,u,t) which are invariants through first order in \ensuremath{\epsilon} for charged particle motion in this N-wave field. We then use these functions ${\mathit{scr}\mathit{\ifmmode \bar{E}\else \={E}\fi{}}}^{(\mathit{i})}$(x,u,t) to construct smooth distribution functions for a multispecies plasma which satisfy the Vlasov equation through first order in \ensuremath{\epsilon} uniformly over the entire x-u phase plane for all time. By integrating these distribution functions to obtain the charge and current densities, we also demonstrate that the Poisson and Amp\`ere equations are satisfied to within errors that are O(${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\epsilon}}}^{3/2}$). Thus the constructed distribution functions and corresponding field describe a self-consistent superimposed N-wave solution that is accurate through first order in \ensuremath{\epsilon}. The entire analysis explicates the notion of small-amplitude multiple-wave BGK states which, as recent numerical calculations suggest, is crucial in the proper description of the time-asymptotic state of a plasma in which a large-amplitude electrostatic wave undergoes nonlinear Landau damping.
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