The development of three-dimensional perturbations of constant frequency in a boundary layer on a semi-infinite plate is studied within the framework of the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations for an incompressible fluid. A case in which the Tollmin-Schlichting (TS) /1, 2/ wave has reached a point on the plate corresponding to the lower branch of the neutral stability curve (NSC), obtained by solving the eigenvalue problem for the Orr-Sommerfeld equation, is discussed. An asymptotic solution of the non-linear NS equations at large Reynolds numbers in given. According to the result obtained, first we have a non-linear process taking place within the NSC near its lower branch, for the separated TS wave with an amptitude that is not too small, leading to gradual reduction in the wave amplitude. Since the Blasius boundary layer is not parallel, the process changes when the amplitude increases. Thus the point at which the amplitude of the TS wave is at a minimum, lies within the loop of the NSC. Therefore, when the experiment is compared with the linear theory based on the Orr-Sommerfeld equation, the theory must be corrected.
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