In this paper, a modified version of the homotopy perturbation method, which has been applied to non-linear oscillations by V. Marinca, is used for calculation of axial secular frequencies of a non-linear ion trap with hexapole and octopole superpositions. The axial equation of ion motion in a rapidly oscillating field of an ion trap can be transformed to a Duffing-like equation. With only octopole superposition the resulted non-linear equation is symmetric; however, in the presence of hexapole and octopole superpositions, it is asymmetric. This modified homotopy perturbation method is used for solving the resulting non-linear equations. As a result, the ion secular frequencies as a function of non-linear field parameters are obtained. The calculated secular frequencies are compared with the results of the homotopy perturbation method and the exact results. With only hexapole superposition, the results of this paper and the homotopy perturbation method are the same and with hexapole and octopole superpositions, the results of this paper are much more closer to the exact results compared with the results of the homotopy perturbation method.
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