This work treats the problem of modeling robotic manipulators withstructural flexibility. A mathematical model of a planarmanipulator with a single flexible link is developed. This modelis capable of reproducing nonlinear dynamic effects, such as thebeam stiffening due to the centrifugal forces induced by therotation of the joints, giving it the capability to predictreliable dynamic behaviors for a wide range of applications. Onthe other hand, the model complexity is reduced, in order to keepit amenable for analysis and controller design. The models foundin current literature for control design of flexible manipulatorarms present dynamic limitations for the sake of real timeimplementation in a control scheme. These limitations are theresult of premature linearizations in the formulation of thedynamics equations. In this paper, these common linearizations arepresented and their dynamic limitations uncovered. An alternativereliable model is then presented. The model is founded on twobasic assumptions: inextensibility of the neutral fiber, andmoderate rotations of the cross sections in order to account forthe foreshortening of the beam due to bending. Simulation andexperimental results show that the proposed model has the closestdynamic behavior to the real beam.
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