An outstanding problem in Earth science is understanding the method of transport of magma in the Earth's mantle. Two proposed methods for this transport are percolation through porous rock and flow up conduits. Under reasonable assumptions and simplifications, both means of transport can be described by a class of degenerate nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations of the form: where ϕ(z, 0) > 0 and ϕ(z, t) → 1 as z → ±∞.Although we treat arbitrary n and m, the exponents are physically expected to be between 2 and 5 and 0 and 1, respectively.In the case of percolation, the magma moves via the buoyant ascent of a less dense phase, treated as a fluid, through a denser, porous phase, treated as a matrix. In contrast to classical porous media problems where the matrix is fixed and the fluid is compressible, here the matrix is deformable, with a viscous constitutive relation, and the fluid is incompressible. Moreover, the matrix is modelled as a second, immiscible, compressible fluid to mimic the process of dilation of the pores. Flow via a conduit is modelled as a viscously deformable pipe of magma, fed from below.Analogue and numerical experiments suggest that these equations behave akin to KdV and BBM; initial conditions evolve into a collection of solitary waves and dispersive radiation. As ϕ → 0, the equations become degenerate. A general local well-posedness existence theory is given for a physical class of data (roughly H1) via fixed point methods. The strategy requires positive lower bounds on ϕ(z, t). The key to global existence is the persistence of these bounds for all time. Furthermore, we construct a Lyapunov energy functional, which is locally convex about the uniform porosity state, ϕ ≡ 1, and prove (global in time) nonlinear dynamic stability of the uniform state for any m and n. For data which are large perturbations of the uniform state, we prove global in time well-posedness for restricted ranges of m and n. This includes, for example, the case n = 4,m = 0, where an appropriate uniform in time lower global on ϕ can be proved using the conservation laws. We compare the dynamics with that of other problems and discuss open questions concerning a larger range of exponents, for which we conjecture global existence.