New intermolecular potential models incorporating nonadditive interactions are proposed for the ethane molecule. Three functional forms for the pair potentials were tested. Each was based on an initial fit to ab initio calculations of the pair interaction energy, followed by a first refinement fit to second virial coefficients. A nonadditive three-body contribution was then included, leading to a density-dependent effective pair potential. Finally, the resulting models were optimized against experimental thermodynamic data in the compressed gas region. In the interest of computational efficiency, thermodynamic properties were calculated from the intermolecular potentials using the molecular integral-equation theory with a recent approximation for the bridge function. The accuracy of the closure was verified by Monte Carlo simulations. The intermolecular potentials are able to reproduce the p(ρ,T) surface of ethane with an overall standard deviation of 0.2% up to the saturation line, or at densities up to the critical density, over a wide range of temperatures.
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