Many organisms exhibit rhythmic behavior and activity that corresponds to a daily cycle. The circadian clock is influenced by environmental factors that include both light (photic) and nonphotic stimuli (such as food and locomotor activity) (see Van Gelder). Cheng et al . created mice deficient in dexras1 , which encodes a guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) that can also act as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for heterotrimeric G protein α subunits of the G i/o family. Analysis of the behavior patterns of the mice, along with various ex vivo assays of neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), indicated that Dexras1 plays a key role in transmitting photic information through activation of glutamate receptors of the N -methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) type and nonphotic information through the neuropeptide y (NPY) pathway. Phosphorylation of ERK1 and ERK2 (extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases 1 and 2) in response to light entrainment was diminished in dexras1 —/— mice. Light activates glutaminergic neurons in the retina, which synapse onto NMDA-expressing neurons of the SCN. NMDA-induced phase shifts in isolated SCN neuron firing were diminished, and in neurons from wild-type animals, these phase shifts were blocked by pharmacologic inhibition of ERK signaling. Pertussis toxin, which blocks Gα signaling, did not affect NMDA-induced phase shifts in either wild-type or dexras1 —/— mice. Thus, Dexras1 participates in a G protein-independent signaling pathway, involving NMDA receptor and ERK activation, to allow input from photic signals to the circadian clock. On the nonphotic input side, Dexras1 appears to provide a negative input, such that dexras1 —/— mice exhibit altered circadian behavior patterns after nonphotic stimulation that does not cause a similar alteration in circadian patterns in wild-type mice. In slice preparations, SCN neurons from dexras1 —/— mice were more responsive to NPY signaling, with NPY inhibiting NMDA-induced phase shifts at lower doses than in wild-type mice. NPY receptors couple to G i/o proteins, and preparations from the dexras1 —/— mice were indistinguishable from wild-type in the effect of NPY on NMDA-induced phase shifts. Thus, Dexras1 appears to provide an inhibitory signal through a G i/o -dependent mechanism to the NPY pathway for nonphotic signaling to the circadian clock. R. N. Van Gelder, Resetting the clock: Dexras1 defines a path. Neuron 43 , 603-604 (2004). [Online Journal] H. Y. Cheng, K. Obrietan, S. W. Cain, B. Y. Lee, P. V. Agostino, N. A. Joza, M. E. Harrington, M. R. Ralph, J. M. Penninger, Dexras1 potentiates photic and suppresses nonphotic responses of the circadian clock. Neuron 43 , 715-728 (2004). [Online Journal]
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