The Purus River and its largest tributary, the Acre River, originate in Peru and constitute the main drainage system for the northeast and southeast portions of the State of Acre. These rivers and their smaller tributaries develop their beds over the Solimões Formation (Miocene to Pliocene-Late) and form a broad dendritic drainage pattern. During the rainy season, due to the high rainfall in the region and the low resistance of the drained rocks, these rivers mobilize a large volume of sediment, which is deposited mainly during the dry season, forming beaches (pointed bars), predominantly composed of fine sand, silt and clay. To investigate the probable primary sources of these sediments and their possible geographic locations, a mineralogical and morphological study of their heavy minerals and a geochronological analysis of their detrital zircons were used. Heavy minerals were extracted from fractions between 0.062-0.125 and 0.125-0.250. The transparent ones were investigated using a petrographic microscope and the opaque non-magnetic ones, together with the lithic fragments using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM/SED). In descending order, the main transparent heavy minerals of the Purus River are epidote (19%), kyanite (17%), zircon (14.5%), andalusite (8%), tourmaline (7.4%) and sillimanite (5 .5%), in addition to these, in amounts less than 5%, staurolite, garnet, apatite, amphibole, chlorite, muscovite, biotite, anatase, pyroxene and cassiterite occur. With similar content and different proportions, the assemblage of heavy minerals from the Acre River consists of andalusite (22.5%), kyanite (22.5%), zircon (12%), epidote (8%), sillimanite (5%) and tourmaline (5%), its accessories are: garnet muscovite, chlorite, apatite, amphibole, biotite, staurolite, titanite, anatase, serpentine and rutile. The non-magnetic opaque minerals of both rivers were shown to be predominantly formed by ilmenite, and the ages obtained in the zircons varied from 180 Ma to 3000 Ma, with great frequency in the intervals between 200-400 Ma and 900-1200 Ma.
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